$ 525.00
POS-X TM2 Touchscreen Monitor.
Just like its cousin the 15 inch, we could go on all day why we carry this product. Price point, clarity, and warranty is the short version.
Here's what POS-X has to say:
$ 165.00
FREE SHIPPING VB320-BL1616 (includes printer interface cable) We like this drawer because of its footprint, durability, flexibility and price point. Price point and durability: Very economical considering it never...
$ 275.00
FREE SHIPPING The E351 gets our vote for reliability, price point and footprint. It's sister model the 2000 is larger, and does print a fraction of a second faster (250mm/sec...
$ 185.00
FREE SHIPPING We stock the 20" Dell LCD for two reasons: 20" is a nice counter size. 19" is too small to function, anything over 20" gets a little crowded...